
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Log in to the website and click on the “ Find a Nearest Centre” from the footer.
  2. All the centre's details are listed on this page, you can see the numbers of all centres here.


  1. Log into the website URL “ Aminslab.com”
  2. Select the option “ Find a Nearest Centre” from the footer.
  3. All the center's timing is displayed on this page.

You can find labs and centres using this link- “ https:// Aminslab.com/find-centre”

You can find labs and centres using this link - https://amimslab.com/find-centre

  1. Login to the website- Aminslab.com.
  2. Select download report option from homepage.
  3. Once you click on Download report option, you will be redirected to download report page.
  4. Enter the lab number ad password and you report gets downloaded.
  1. Log on www.aminslab.com and click on 'Test and Packages" from the header.



2.In the next page, you should be able to see the list of tests/packages available. You can filter on the basis of packages or tests as well as sort these by (i) A to Z(ii) Price – Low to High (iii) Price – High to Low (iv) Alphabet – A to Z. Click on ‘Add to Cart’ to add any/all the tests you are looking to book.


3.Once you have added the test(s) , you should be able to see a shopping cart with the added number of tests, as shown below (in this example we added 2 tests).



4.To proceed, you need to click on the cart icon, which will bring you to the ‘My Cart’ page.

5-This section requires you to fill the patient details to proceed. Once the form is submitted, your booking is requested and the concerned person will call you shortly.

  1. Another way of booking tests on www.aminslab.com is to search for a particular test /package that you want to book for home collection. To search for any test/package, the user needs to log on to the website and click on Test & packages, in the header section, as highlighted below:

 2. The next step in the process is to start typing the test/package name in the search bar and system starts prompting the name of the desired test :

3.Once you have added the test(s) , you should be able to see a shopping cart with the added number of tests.

4.To proceed, you need to click on the cart icon, which will bring you to the ‘My Cart’ page.

5-This section requires you to fill the patient details to proceed. Once the form is submitted, your booking is requested and the concerned person will call you shortly

  1. The 3rd way of test booking is via the dedicated Health Packages section, on the website.
  2. Click  on “ Test & Packages” from header.


  3.  In this screen, all the packages will get visible, you can add any packages in your card from here.

4.Once you have added the packages(s) , you should be able to see a shopping cart with the added number of packages.

5.To proceed, you need to click on the cart icon, which will bring you to the ‘My Cart’ page.

6-This section requires you to fill the patient details to proceed. Once the form is submitted, your booking is requested and the concerned person will call you shortly